Product Details
- MyChron 5s Data Logger by AiM
- Ideal for the modern kart racer!
- Logger mounts to steering wheel of most karts, and gives real-time lap time information, as well as RPM, water temperature, speed, and additional information depending on the accessories included.
- The industry standard data logger system, bridging the gap between what you think you know on track, to what is really going on.
- A MUST if you want to enhance your driving performance and capture the best lap time and performance information.
- Built in GPS capability utilizes an extensive database of real-world kart tracks, and also 'learns' new ones for precise driving line, acceleration, and speed read outs for enhanced driving knowledge.
- Multi-configuration settings within main menu allow for logger to best perform for 4-Cycle, 2-Cycle engines, with clutch, gearbox, or direct drive setups.
- Integrated Wifi antenna makes connection to laptop for analysis a snap, a major enhancement over the MyChron 4 logger.
- 3-Axis accelerometer and gyro allows for precise analysis of steering angle, longitudinal braking and acceleration forces, and kart handling feedback.
- Ultra-precision GPS system connects to several satellites at once, to give the most precise information based on real-time GPS location.
- "Smart" time sensor allows for night-vision mode enabled depending on day or night racing.
- Each logger comes with:
- Detachable and re-chargeable Lithium-Ion battery (with USB charging cable and adapter).
- Temperature sensor and appropriate patch cable depending on option selected.
- RPM wire and spark plug connector.
- MyChron 5s technical manual and AiM stickers.
- Configurable alarm LED's.
- Configurable shift-light LED's.
- Logger is available with the following sensor options:
- Water Temperature (sensor mounts in-line with water supply pipe for shifter kart, TaG engines or in cylinder head fitting depending on application or motor).
- Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor 14mm Diameter (ideal for Briggs 206, most TaG engines).
- Cylinder Head Temperature Sensor 10mm (For Briggs World Formula).
- Exhaust Gas Temperature (will require welding of threaded bung onto exhaust pipe per engine manufacturer recommendations.
- Each logger sold separately. Additional sensors are available separately.